-CCHPN Events-



2024 Volunteer Recognition Celebration

Warwick Park, Wednesday June 26

Registration opens May 10


Another of the four cannon unearthed at Warwick Furnace travels to be displayed at historic events. (Evan Brandt -- MediaNews Group)


The Chester County Historic Preservation Network hopes you can join us for our annual Volunteer Celebration on June 26, 2024. The event will be held at Warwick Park in a covered Pavillion and will include a a program focusing on the County's Iron Heritage.  We invite you to join us as we honor the accomplishments of Chester County’s Historical Commissions and HARBs and other volunteer preservationists.  We look forward to seeing you!  


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The Chester County Historic
Preservation Network
a 501(c)3 Organization


P.O. Box 174
West Chester, PA 19381

(484) 301-0157


Sharon Buczala
Executive Assistant


The mission of CCHPN is to connect local governments, organizations, and individuals in their efforts to protect, preserve, and promote the historic resources and cultural landscapes of Chester County through communication and education.

The CCHPN works to bring people together and give them the information they need to preserve their neighborhoods and communities throughout Chester County. Please consider joining the effort.